
Vocational Training Centre (ACCA Printing Press)

            Acca Printing Press, a unit under Sarwodeep – a NGO running in the campus of Jayaraj Annapackiyam College for women has been started with the noble vision of offering employment to rural women of Theni District.  At this Juncture, we should appreciate and thank the efforts taken by the former director of Sarwodeep, Rev. Sr. Dr. Maria Alphonsal, Student from St. Anne’s Community College got training in Sivakasi for binding and printing. 

          With these girls, ACCA printing press started in a small room on 11.07.2001.  All printing and binding work of Jayaraj Annapackiyam College for women and done, in ACCA press we have received a foreign grant worth of Rs.31,70,294,40/- from the Bishop’s commission of Italy.  Printing press has been expanded to min offset printing press by adding more machines for printing binding and note books making.  A new building was constructed for ACCA press and blessed on 15.8.2007.  New this press offers Jobs or physically childing get peoples, destitute and poor rural women of Theni district Note books and prepared for nearby schools, and schools run by our sisters in Theni, Ramanad, and Dindigul district. Vocational training is conducted with the help of THADCO and NAPARD.