

        “Clean and Green Environment”


  • To create environmental awareness among the students
  • To create love on nature
  • To plant trees
  • To have a clean and green environment in Campus
  • To create awareness among the students to avoid polythene bags
  • To have plastics and smoke free campus



Dr. Sr. S. Jesurani Principal & Chairman
Dr. Mrs. M.R. Delphine Rose Co-ordinator 
Dr. Mrs. Girija Bai Assistant Professor in History
Dr. Mrs. D. Arockia Jency


Assistant Professor in Physics
Dr. Mrs. A. Jancy Mary


Assistant Professor in Tamil
Sr. M. Velankanny


Assistant Professor in Zoology


    • Selecting four members from each class to act as Environ care takers. They are responsible for the surroundings near their department, in the College and in and around their home. Once in a week they collect the plastic and polythene bags. Every month they submit a report.
    • Making the Campus plastic free zone by following strict rules.
    • Organizing guest lectures and seminars based on conservation of environment and Eco friendly living.
    • Keeping separate dustbins for degradable and non degradable waste.
    • Conducting various competitions among Eco Club members such as growing a healthy plant, to make vermin composite using the waste from the campus, Elocution, Slogan writing, Cartoon drawing and Painting.
    • Conduct an awareness campaign to farmers about Eco-friendly farming.
    • Arranging a rally to create environmental awareness to the public.
    • Celebrating the wild life conservation week by conducting various competitions.
    • Showing films regarding global warming.
    • Planting various plantlets in pots at various places of the campus.
    • Attending a three day programme on “Education and Training in Nature Conservation and Eco-development” organized by The Anglade Institute of Natural History, Sacred Heart College, Shembaganur, Kodaikanal.
    • Planting trees on the occasions of functions and celebrations in the department of Zoology.
    • Dr. Mary Shanthi, Assistant Professor of Botany, St. Mary’s College, Tuticorin. Delivered Guest Lecture on “It”‘s Time for Nature” on 31-12-2020 at 11.A.M.
    • Eco club, Waste Water Management and Green Campus organized a guest lecture on “avifauna of JAC campus’’ on 06.09.2021 at room no 58.Dr.Sr. Iruthaya Kalai Selvam, Asst.Professor in Zoology served as the resource person. She explained the different species of Birds identified in JAC campus and the conservation of Birds.
    • Eco club, waste water management and green campus Conducted a training programme to students on The conversion of biodegradable waste into organic manure by Vermitechnology on 21st September 2022 at St.Assisi Park.
      Mrs. F.Sherin Rebecca, Assistant Professor in Zoology, Will give the demonstration.

    • Eco club, waste water management and green campus organized a Guest Lecture entitled Impact of Pesticide on Human Health and Pollution on 28th October, 2022 in Room No.1 at.3.00 p.m. Dr.Sr.Iruthaya Kalai Selvam, Assistant Professor in Zoology,will be lead the session.
    • Eco club, waste water management and green campus organized Saplings Plantation in the college premises at 10.30 a.m on 07-11-2022. MJF. Lion. Dr.Er.T.Ramanathan, President, & Members of Lions Club of Periyakulam Mango City,was bidden to be a part of this event
    • PG & Research Department of Zoology, Eco Club, and Institution Innovation Council jointly organized a three-day workshop on “organic farming and biodynamic composting” from 19.12.2022 to 21.12.2022. the workshop was arranged in collaboration with Naandi Foundation. Mr. J. Vignesh, Chief trainer of Naandi Foundation, and Mr. K. Pon Azhagendra Raja, co-trainer of Thalir organic farm handled the sessions skillfully and actively
    • Eco club, Waste Water Management and Green Campus has conducted pledge on plastic awareness among the students of J.A college to create awareness on ban of single use plastics insisted by Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board on 9.02.2023. The programme was organised by the Co-Ordinator Dr.K.Jennifer
    • ECO – Club, Waste Water Management and Green Campus organized a programme on Green Audit to the Staff of Jayaraj Annapackiam College for women (Autonomous) Periyakulam on 23-02-2023 at Staff Computer Room. Prof.A.Alagappa Moses ,Vice Principal, Associate Professor, & Head, Department of Environmental Sciences, Bishop Heber College , Trichy, explained the importance of conservation of our environment and narrated about the Waste water management system. Dr.V. Anand Gideon, Dean, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Botany and Bishop Heber College, Trichy, highlighted the biodiversity and its management. Dr.D.J.S. Anand Karunakaran, Associate Dean, Associate Professor in Physics and Bishop Heber College, Trichy, explained the Energy management and about the green house effect & global warming. Mr.Prabakaran, Manager Center for Environmental Sustainability explained the recycling method.

Academic Year

Date Name of the activity
16.12.2010 Celebration of International year of Biodiversity
11.01.2011 Pencil Sketching (Global warming)
12.01.2011 Collage(Youth in conserving nature)
13.010.2011 Model Making (Depicting on ecosystem)
14.01.2011 Collection of plastic bags from campus
20.08.2011-22.08.2011 Vermi compost
06.01.2012 Fresh in Best (Cookiner)
06.01.2012 Collage (Ecofriendly recycle)
07.01.2012 Model making (Green the earth)
07.01.2012 Verse Writing (Green cleaning)
07.01.2012 Quiz (Save Energy)
07.01.2012 Drawing (Water for ever)
07.01.2012 Essay Writing (Green Wheels)
18.01.2012 Four plants were planted
18.01.2012 Guest Lecture on “Saving life” by Dr. Sr. T. Nirmala
02.02.2012 Creating awareness about Pollution in Periyakulam
15.02.2012 State level workshop on Avian Studies
Once in a week (2012-2013) Collection of polythene bags from our College Campus
02.06.2012 80 various plantlets were planted
01.08.2012 Guest Lecture on Biodiversity by Dr. Samuel Paulraj
02.08.2013 Collage(Environ Eco-friendly cycle)
25.08.2013 Model making (Green the Earth)
07.09.2012 Verse Writing (Green cleaning)
20.09.2012-22.09.2012 57 members attended a 3 day programme on “Education and training in nature conservation and Eco-development” organized by Angalade institute of Natural History, Sacred Heart College, Shenbaganur.
26.09.2012 Quiz (Ecosystem)
06.10.2012 Pencil Sketch (Water for ever)
03.12.2012 Essay writing (Green wheels)
13.12.1012 Caption writing (Save Environment)
02.03.2013 One day seminar on “Environmental Education” by

Mr. U. Thiruvnavukkarasu.

11.01.2013 Art from waste (Recycling of waste)
28.02.2013 Slogan writing (Save the environment)
28.02.2013 Pencil Sketch (Conservation of nature)
11.03.2013 Singing Competition (Environmental awareness)
Twice in a week (2013-2014) Collection of plastics and polythene bags
03.08.2013 Students planted various plantlets in pots in front of Zoology Department and medicinal plants in the Eco Club garden
09.09.2013 Nerium plants were planted in front of the Ave Maria hall
Every month (2013-2014) Manuring the Eco Club garden
01.10.2013 Separate Dust pins were kept for collection of degradable and non-degradable waste in the college campus
08.01.2014 – 11.01.2014 Various competitions like Collage, Model making, Verse writing, Quiz, Pencil Sketch, Essay writing, Caption writing, Art from waste and Singing were conducted based on the theme “Environmental Awareness”
04.02.2014 Students prepared charts highlighting the theme “Stop Global Warming”


  • Eco Club members collected the plastic and polythene bags from our college campus twice in a week.
  • Students planted various plantlets in pots in front of the Zoology Department.
  • The plants were irrigated regularly and they were maintained by Eco club members.
  • Many medical plants were planted in the Eco club garden.
  • Nerium plants were planted in front of the Ave Maria Hall.
  • Manuring the Eco club garden every month.
  • Separate dustbins were kept for the collection of degradable and non degradable waste in the college campus.
  • Various competitions like collage, model making, verse writing, quiz, pencil sketch, easy writing, caption writing, art from waste and singing competitions were conducted based on the theme ‘Environmental Awareness’.
  • Eco club organized one day guest lecture on ‘Save Earth’ on 18th February 2014.
  • Six trees were planted by NAAC Committee members in front of the management block on 7th February and 13th March 2014.


    1. The activities of the club were inaugurated along with other clubs in Union inauguration held on 24. 07.2015
    2. Sr. T. Nirmala, Principal and Associate Professor of Zoology and Dr. Sr. A. Irudaya Lourdu Gladis, Associate Professor of Botony attended a meeting on “Recycling and management of Plastic waste” at Collector Office, Theni on 06th August, 2015.
    3. Plastic Carry bags were removed from the campus once in 15 days.
    4. Herbal Garden was maintained by the Eco Club students.
    5. Captions writing on “Preserving the Environment” was conducted on 16th 28 students from all disciplines participated and 10 students won I prizes.
    6. M. Kalanithi, Associate Professor of Chemisty attended a meeting on “Suggestions for Implementation of Solid Waste and Plastic waste in Theni District” at Collector Office, Theni on 11th September, 2015.
    7. World Ozone Day was observed on 16th September, 2015. Selvi S. VidhyaSree II B.Sc. Chemistry gave a talk on “Preservation of Ozone layer” and Selvi A.R. Sharmila read a verse related to Ozone layer preservation.
    8. A written Quiz was conducted on account of “Wild Life Conservation Week” on 12th October 2015. 120 students participated. Five students got prizes.
    9. A Painting Exhibition on “Kadugal – Ulagin Uyir Mandalam” was organized with collaboration with Eeranilam Educational and Charitable Trust under the presidenship of Mr. A.S. Marimuthu, District Forest Officer, Theni on 29th January 2015 at Gymnasium. 50 paintings related to preserving nature and sustainable developments were exhibited.  Around 1500 students viewed and benefitted.
    10. National Seminar was organized by IQAC, Eco Club and Minority Cell on “Environmental Issus and challenges for sustainable development” sponsored by Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development on 15-17th Feb 2016,
    11. M. Kalanithi, Associate Professor of Chemistry delivered a Lecture on “Water pollution and its effects” in the National Seminar sponsored by Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development on “Environmental Issus and challenges for sustainable development” held on 16th Feb 2016, organized by IQAC, Eco Club and Minority Cell. Students visited Vaigai Dam for Ecological tour as part of the seminar on “Environmental Issues and challenges for sustainable development” on February 16th 2016.
    12. Mime competition was conducted on 29th February 2016. Three groups participated.  II B.Sc. Chemistry students won I prize and  II B.Sc. Zoology students won II place.
    13. Tree plantation was done on 20th February 2016 near Gymnasium in our campus by Pasumai Ulagam Pannai – Theni District Youth Wing President Mr. O.P. Ravindranath Kumar and Kallipatty Chairman Mr. Veeramuthu Rajapandi.
    14. Tree plantation was done on 10th March 2016 in the campus by Most Rev. Bishop Eugene Joseph, Bishop of Varanasi and Dr. Ramani, Controller of Examinations, Mother Teresa Women’s University, Kodaikanal.
    15. Students are monitored to keep the places clean without throwing polythene covers in the campus during their Lunch Break.


      • Eco Club members collected the plastic and polythene bags from our College Campus once in 15 days.
      • The plants were irrigated regularly and they were maintained by Eco club members.
      • Manuring and cleaning the eco club garden was done regularly.
      • World Environmental Day was observed on 2nd July 2016. K. Monisha  II-Zoology (S.F) gave talk on “ Save Mother Earth”.
      • A written  quiz was conducted on account of related to “ Save Mother Earth” on 4th July 2016. 127 students participated.  5 students got prizes.
      • Various competitions were conducted on account of ‘Wild Life Conservation Week’ on 6th October 2016.  The competitions were caption writing, Verse writing, Drawing, Solo Singing, Group singing, Mime and Skit.
      • Mrs. R. Mary Mathalane and Dr. Sr. A. IrudayaLourduGladis attended National workshop on “ Innovations in water Resources Management in Educational Institutions”  at Loyolo College, Chennai on 24th and 25th November 2016.
      • World Pollution Day was observed on 6th August 2016, Selvi. T. Nithya I-Zoology (S.F) gave a talk on “ Protection our Mother Earth from Pollution” and Selvi. A. Deepa II-Zoology(S.F) read a verse related to pollution.
      • Eco students collected dry leaves from JAC Campus for the preparation of manure on 27th February 2017.


S.No Date Competition Status Students Department











R. Anushri II Zoology 
S. Keerthana II Chemistry
M. Deepa I Zoology 
Z. Jenifer Shifa II Chemistry
V. Vijaya Lakshmi I Zoology 
P. Kiruthika II Chemistry


06-10-2017 Drawing I V. Jenifer II M.Sc. Chemistry
II P. Palaniyammal I Chemistry
K. Monisha II Zoology 



06-10-2017 Essay Writing I R. Anushri II Zoology 
M. Nithyashree II Chemistry
II S. Ramya Krishnan II Zoology 
C. Sahaya Jenifer II Chemistry














Verse Writing





K. Pandilakshmi II Chemistry
J. Sharmila II Chemistry
R. Anushri II Zoology 
S. Ramya Krishnan II Zoology 
M. Seetha II Zoology 
K. Ramana Devi II Zoology 
G. Meenatchi III Chemistry
A. Deepa II Zoology 
V. Muthulakshmi II Chemistry











Group Singing






T. Kayalvizhi II Zoology 
J. Prema II Zoology 
M. Anusuyadevi II Zoology 
M. Gowsalya II Zoology 
R. Anushri II Zoology 
B. Muthumariyammal II Zoology 



S. Ramya Krishnan II Zoology 
K. Ramana Devi II Zoology 
A.Priyadharshini II Zoology 
M. Vijayalakshmi II Zoology 
S. PatherSharmila II Zoology 
K. Monisha II Zoology 
6. 06-10-2017 Solo Singing I S. Ramya Krishnan II Zoology 
II T. Kayalvizhi II Zoology 



      1. A painting exhibition on Kadugal – Ulagin Uyir Mandalam” was organized with collaboration with Eeranilam Educational and Charitable Trust under the President ship of Mr. A.S. Marimuthu, District Forest Officer, Theni on 29th January 2015 at Gymnasium. 50 paintings related to preserving nature and sustainable developments were exhibited. Around 1500 students viewed and benefitted.
      2. National Seminar organized by IQAC, Eco Club and Minority Cell on “ Environmental Issues and challenges for sustainable development” sponsored by Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of youth Development on 16th February 2016.
      3. M. Kalanithi, Associate Professor of Chemistry delivered a lecture on “ Water Pollution and its effects” in the National Seminar sponsored by Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development on “Environmental Issues and challenges for sustainable development” held on 16th February 2016, organized IQAC, Eco Club and Minority Cell. Students visited Vaigai Dam for Ecological tour as part of the seminar on  “Environmental Issues and challenges for sustainable development”  on February 16th2016.
      4. Rally conducted on “” was organized and collaboration with NSS. The Chief Guest Mr. A.S. Marimuthu, District Forest Officer, Theni on 9th February 2017.
      5. Sr. T. Nirmala, Principal and Associate Professor in Zoology, Dr. Sr. IrudayaLourduGladis Assistant Professor of Botany, Ms. Nivashini Assistant Professor of Physics attended a rally on MasillaTheni” collaboration with forest Dept, Theni., Vizhuthugalillayarmantram, NeruYuvakendraTheni., and Tamil Nadu Computer Education institute, Theni on 6th July 2017. 50 Eco Club students Participated.


      1. Sr.T. Nirmala, Principal and Associate Professor of Zoology and Dr. Sr. A. Irudaya Lourdu Gladis Assistant Professor of Botany and Mrs. Nivashini Assistant Professor of Physics attended meeting and Rally on “Masilla Theni” New Bustand on 06th July, 2017.
      2. Plastic Carry bags were removed from the campus once in a week.
      3. Herbal Garden was maintained by the Eco Club students.
      4. Manuring and cleaning Eco club garden twice in a month.
      5. A written Quiz was conducted on account of “Environment” on 12th October 2017. 120 students participated and five students got prizes.
      6. Tree plantation was done on 9th January 2018 in front of the Zoology Department by Club members.
      7. Tree plantation was done on 7th December 2017 infront of the Zoology Department by Club members.


      1. Three guest lecturers were arranged.
      2. Members who stayed in hostel cleaned the rain water harvesting tank which is near the History Department. A composting pit was also made using weeds on the same day.
      3. 3 vermi composting pits were made near playground and in St. Assisi Park.
      4. 25 students were trained for mushroom cultivation. 10 Kgs of mushroom seeds were distributed to 10 volunteers to produce mushroom in their own house. 7 members were skilled in cultivating mushroom.
      5. 15 fruit trees were planted in St Assisi Avian Park. 15 volunteers planted fruit trees in their houses.
      6. 3 sacks of organic manure made through vermi composting pits which are present near Assisi avian park were used for training on organic farming.
      7. 2 kitchen gardens near History Department and in St. Assisi Park were farmed. Beetroot radish, pumpkin, bitter guards, water melon, and green leaves were planted.
      8. A trip was made to Lakshmi puram pond for creating the awareness on pollution.
      9. We arranged 3 day training program on Education and Training in Nature Conservation and Eco Development at Anglade Institute of Natural History, Sacred Heart College, Shembhanoor, Kodaikanal. 780 students from 2nd UG of 10 Departments participated and benefited during this academic year.
      10. 7 competitions were conducted (such as Art from Degradable waste , Art from Non Degradable waste, Power point Presentation, Survey on trees from JAC campus, Essay competition, Quiz and Drawing) and  certificates were distributed. 


1 Art from Degradable waste NadarArul Selcia


II Zoology M.Gowrisheela I Zoology
2 Art from Non Degradable waste K. Bhvani


I Zoology M. Kalaiyarasi II Zoology
3 Power point Presentation S. Prabha

S. Ragavi

II Chemistry

I Zoology

R. Aasha I Chemistry
4 Survey report on tree


R. Anandhi

NadarArul Selcia

V. RathnaPriya

III Zoology 

II Zoology

I Zoology

S. Anitha

S. Geethanjali

III Zoology 

III Zoology 

5 Essay  competition R. Nisha III Physics 


A. Mumthaj II Chemistry


6 Quiz A. Sindhubharathi II Physics V. Keerthana II Physics 
7 Drawing C. Jeevitha II Chemistry R. Dhivya II Chemistry


ACADEMIC YEAR 2019 – 2020 

  •      Ms A. Anitha Mary, Assistant Professor in Zoology gave demonstration about the preparation of Organic Manure to the Eco club members at the Assisi Park on 27th August 2019.
  •      Eco club members went to the Thamaraikulam pond on 26th September 2019 to study the nature of Soil and Water of the pond.
  •      Various competitions were conducted in connection with Conservation of Earth and Wild Life.

ACADEMIC YEAR 2021- 2022 


  •  Eco club, Waste Water Management and Green Campus organized a guest lecture on “avifauna of JAC campus’’ on 06.09.2021 at room no 58.Dr.Sr. Iruthaya Kalai Selvam, Asst.Professor in Zoology served as the resource person. She explained the different species of Birds identified in JAC campus and the conservation of Birds.
  •  Eco club, Waste Water Management and Green Campus organized competitions on 4 th and 5 th October 2021 based on the title “Green house effect”.
  •  Ecoclub and Waste Water management and green campus organized a training programme to students on ‘The conservation of biodegradable waste into organic manure by vermitechnology’ on 25 th November, 2021 at St.Assisi Park. Miss.A.Anita Mary, Assistant Professor in Zoology gave the demonstration Students learnt the vermitechnology by this programme.
  • Eco club and Waste Water management and green campus organized aprogramme on ‘Green Audit’ to students and staff on 15.03.2022 at AveMaria Conference Hall. Prof. A. ALAGAPPA MOSES, Vice Principal,
    Associate Professor & Head, Department of Environmental Sciences,Bishop Heber College, Tirchy explained the importance of conservation of our environment.Dr. V. ANAND GIDEON, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Botany and Dean,Extension Activities, Bishop Heber College, Tirchy, highlighted the biodiversity and its management. Dr. D. J.S.ANAND KARUNAKARAN Associate Professor in Physics and Associate Dean,IQAC, Bishop Heber College, Tirchy explained the energy
    management and about the green house effects & global warming. Mr. PRABAKARAN, Manager, Centre for Environmental Sustainability, Bishop Heber College, explained the recycling methods.
  • Ecoclub and waste water management and green campus in collaborationwith N.S.S organized an Awareness Programme on “Banning of Plastic Usage” on 04.05.2022 at open auditorium at 3.00 p.m. Dr. I. Geetha, Asst. Professor in Zoology addressed the students.
    She highlighted the disadvantages caused due to the usage of plastics. She
    explained the ways by which the plastic usage can be prevented. Students were
    benefited by this awareness programme.


ACADEMIC YEAR 2022 – 2023 


  • ECO – Club, Waste Water Management and Green Campus conducted a training programme to the students on 21-09-2022 at St.Assisi Park, Jayaraj Annapackiam College for Women (Autonomous), Periyakulam. Mrs. F.Sherin Rebecca, Assistant Professor in Zoology instilled the practical knowledge to the students through her demonstration on the conversion of Bio-degradable waste into organic manure by using the method of Vermitechnology. 45 Students were directly benefited out of this programme.
  • Eco club, Waste Water Management and Green Campus aims to spread awareness among the students about  various environmental issues  faced by our planet regarding our environment. In this connection the club organized a guest lecture, titled “Impact of Pesticide on Human Health and Pollution”, on 28th October 2022 in Room No :1 at 3.00 pm. Rev. Sr. Dr. Iruthaya Kalai Selvam, Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, led the session  interestingly which  helped the students to understand pesticide usage in every day life and  ensured   awareness  on how to eat  food without pesticide contamination.
  • Eco club, Waste Water Management and Green Campus organized Saplings Plantation camp in the College campus on 07-11-2022, from 10.30.a.m onwards.
  • PG & Research Department of Zoology, Eco Club, and Institution Innovation Council jointly organized a three-day workshop on “organic farming and biodynamic composting” from 19.12.2022 to 21.12.2022. the workshop was arranged in collaboration with Naandi Foundation. Mr. J. Vignesh, Chief trainer of Naandi Foundation, and Mr. K. Pon Azhagendra Raja, co-trainer of Thalir organic farm handled the sessions skillfully and actively.
  • Eco club, Waste Water Management and Green Campus has conducted pledge on plastic awareness among the students of J.A college to  create awareness on ban of single use plastics insisted by Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board on 9.02.2023. The programme was organised by the Co-Ordinator Dr.K.Jennifer.
  • ECO – Club, Waste Water Management and Green Campus organized a programme on Green Audit to the Staff of Jayaraj Annapackiam College for women (Autonomous) Periyakulam on 23-02-2023 at Staff Computer Room. Prof.A.Alagappa Moses ,Vice Principal,Associate Professor, & Head, Department of Environmental Sciences, Bishop Heber College ,Trichy, explained the importance of conservation of our environment and narrated about the Waste water management system. Dr.V. Anand Gideon, Dean, Associate Professor and Head,Department of Botany and Bishop Heber College, Trichy, highlighted the biodiversity and its management. Dr.D.J.S. Anand Karunakaran, Associate Dean, Associate Professor in Physics and Bishop Heber College, Trichy, explained the Energy management and about the green house effect & global warming. The meeting came to an end at 12.30.p.m.


ACADEMIC YEAR 2023 – 2024


Guest Lecture – 13.09.2023

Eco club, waste water management and green campus organized a guest lecture on 13.09.2023. Dr. Sr. Iruthaya Kalai Selvam, Assistant Professor in Zoology delivered lecture on Conservation of biodiversity on 13.09.2023 at Room No.01 at 3 p.m.

She explained different genera and species in plants and animals. She highlighted the sustainability in conservation of biodiversity.  The methods of conservation of biodiversity.


   Competition – 09.10.2023

In connection with wild life week celebration Eco club, Waste water management and green campus connected competitions on Essay, Drawing and Verse writing on the title “Conservation of Earth” on 09.10.2023.




Vinitha I M.A. Tamil
Boulin Ithaya I B.A. Tamil
Agnes Mary II B.Sc. Zoology
Priya dharsini II B.Sc. Physics
Nandhini II B.Sc. Zoology
Keerthana  I B.Sc. Chemistry
Maheswari. Siva III B.A. English
Hema III B.A. English
Kiruthika I B.Sc. Chemistry
Keerthika Rosy II M.Sc. Mathematics


Vidhya Sri  II B.Sc. Chemistry
Nandhini Devi  II B.Sc. Zoology
Banu Priya II B.Sc. Zoology
Merijo III B.A. English
Naga Priya II M.Sc. Zoology



MENAKA  II B.Sc. Chemistry
THENMOZHI  II B.Sc. Chemistry
BANU PRIYA  II B.Sc. Chemistry
NIVETHA  II B.Sc. Chemistry




Vijaya Raji.A I B.A English First Prize
Baby Wishwa.C II His (EM) Second Prize
M. Rithika Sri III Zoology R First Prize
Tharan nisha III Zoology R First Prize


Samyukktha I M.A English First Prize
Anushiya.M I B.A English Second Prize
S. Surega III Zoology R First Prize
M. Rithika Sri III Zoology R Second Prize


Abirami B.A English First Prize
Nithya.S II His (EM) Second Prize
A.Sathya Sheela Devi III Zoology R First Prize
M. Jothimani III Zoology R Second Prize


Aishwarya Shree B.A English First Prize
Prathiba.S I B.A English Second Prize


  • Vermi compost was prepared and applied to the plants which are reared in St. ASSISI PARK.
  • Eco Club members visited the pond at Periyakulam to survey pollution.
  • Club members collected plastic and polythene bags which were polluting the forest as well as the stream on 15.2.2012.
  • A guest lecture was organized on Biodiversity by Dr. Samuel Paulraj MKU on 1st August 2012.
  • Every year members of II B.Sc. Zoology, attend a 3 day programme on Education and Training in Nature Conservation and Eco-Development” organized by Anglade Institute of National History. Sacred Heart College, Shenbaganur. Kodaikanal.
  • Eco Club organized one day seminar on Environmental Education” on 2nd March 2013. Mr. U. Thirunavakkarasu CPR Environmental Education Centre, Chennai was addressing the gathering.
  • Many medical plants were planted in ECO CLUB Garden.
  • Separate Dust bins were kept for the collection of degradable and non-biodegradable wastes in the College Campus.
  • Club Organized one day workshop on capacity building for taxonomy, generating and sharing taxonomic information through Digital herbarium on 20th Rev. Dr. Fr. John Britto, SJ and the members from St. Joseph’s College, Trichy delivered the guest lecture.
  • Eco club conducted wild life conservation week competitions based on the “Love and Respect our Mother Earth” on 30th October 2014.
  • Eco club and II UG Ancillary Botany students organized guest lecture on Bio Fertilizers of Azollo on 28th 29th January 2015. Rajendran, Director Azolla Garden, Mandapam, demonstrated on  august 2015.
  • M. Kalanithi, Associate Professor of Chemistry attended meeting on “Suggestion for implementation of social waste and plastic waste in Theni District” at Collector Office, Theni on 11th September 2015.
  • A planting Exhibition on Kadugal Ullagin Uyir Mandalam was organized with collaboration with Eeranilam Education and charitable trust under the presidential of Mr. A.S. Marimuthu, District officer, Theni on 25th January 2016. 50 paintings were exhibited related to preserving nature and sustainable development.  Around 1500 students visited and benefited.
  • Along with IQAC, Eco Club and Minority Cell organized a National Seminar on “Environmental issues and challenges for sustainable development” sponsored by Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development on 15th to 17th February 2016.
  • Tree plantation was done on 29th February 2016 near Gymnasium in our campus by Pasumai Ulagam Pannai- Theni District youth wing president Mr. O. P. Ravindranath Kumar and Kallipatti chairperson Mr. Veeramuthurajapandi.
  • Tree plantation was done on 10th March 2016 in the campus by most Rev. Bishop Joseph, Bishop of Varanasi and Dr. Ramani, Controller of Examination, Mother Teresa Women’s University, Kodaikanal.
  • Demonstration and Establishment of Vermi Composting pits in JAC Campus
  • Along with Dr. Sr. Irudayakalaiselvam and Dr. Sr. Sahaya Lilly, Eco club and waste water treatments members cleaned the rain water harvesting tank in our campus which is present in front of History Department and made composting pit.  We planted a coconut tree as well as a Guava tree near the Rain Water Harvesting Tank on the same day.
  • Mushroom Cultivation Demonstration was given on 27th July in PG Zoology Lab. 50 members were learned.
  • Under the guidance of Sr. Iruthaya Kalai Selvam, Miss. Tharani, Miss. Kalaiyarasi, Miss. Arul Celcia belonged to II B.Sc. Zoology formed a small scale mushroom cultivation unit in their own house.
  • We have planted 12 fruits trees such as Jackfruit=1, Jerry fruits=5, Papaya tree=2, Black Plum+1 and Amla tree=3 in ST. Francis Assisi Park on 3rd August 2018.
  • Various competitions regarding current environmental Issues are conducted and certificates are distributed.
  • Dr. Mary Shanthi, Assistant Professor of Botany, St. Mary’s College, Tuticorin. Delivered Guest Lecture on “It”‘s Time for Nature” on 31-12-2020 at 11.A.M.
  • Eco club, waste water management and green campus organized a guest lecture on 13.09.2023. Dr. Sr. Iruthaya Kalai Selvam, Assistant Professor in Zoology delivered lecture on Conservation of biodiversity on 13.09.2023 at Room No.01 at 3 p.m.